System Stability-Constrainted Optimal Protection Coordination in the Microgrid Including Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Storage



This paper presents the system stability-constrianted optimal protection coordination (SSCOPC) as stochastic problem in the microgrid with grid-connected and islanded operation modes, including renewable energy sources (RESs) and energy storage systems (ESSs). To regulate optimally the dual setting overcurrent relays (DSORs) and to selectin the reactance size of fault current limiter (FCL), the system minimizes the total relays operation time in the primary and backup protection modes. Also, it is subject to the limits of the coordination time interval (CTI), DSORs setting parameters, FCL size, and microgrid stability in the fault condition. Generally, the microgrid includes RESs and ESSs; thus, the proposed SSCOPC needs a daily operation of microgrid as stochastic model to calculate network variables before fault occurrence. Hence, s this situation minimizes the microgrid operation cost and load shedding cost of islanded microgid which are subjected to optimal power flow equations in the presence of RESs and ESSswhile considering the uncertainty of the load and its generation. Therefore, by applying the proposed problem on the 9 and 32 bus microgrid, solving the problem by the Crow Search Algorithm (CSA), and selecting optimal size of RESs and ESSs, based on operation and protection coordination indices, the proposed SSCOPC can obtain a fast protection solution that considers system stability in faulty conditions.


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