A Novel High Efficient Single Phase Photovoltaic Inverter to Stop the Common Mode Leakage Current in Microgrid Applications



This paper proposes a novel topology to stop the common mode leakage current in a single-phase grid connected inverter. There are many topologies presented so far, but none of them have provided the efficiency more than 98 percent. In this paper, a modern configuration is presented which can not only stop the common mode leakage current but also increase the efficiency and power density while it is affordable as well. This inverter consists of 6 switches and 2 diodes which, in comparison with other similar girds, has less element number. Regarding the already known topologies like H5, H6 and HERIC, this inverter has less power loss and imposes less voltage stress on the switches. These features are enabled because an exclusive leg configuration and the placement of switches and diodes. In fact, the freewheel path decouples DC side from AC side of Inverter and results in the disconnection of the common mode current. This event modifies the network reliability indices and maintains safety standards. Finally, the validity of the performance of the proposed inverter is assessed against the available ones.


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