Integrated Wide Area Fault Location in Transmission Network Using Differential Impedance Index Based on Phasor Synchronous Data

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran


Transmission networks are always prone to various short-circuit faults in their lines. Fast and accurate fault location is required to improve system reliability by reducing downtime and restoring service. This issue has become more interesting since the advent of wide area communication and measurement technologies. Dependence on the parameter of the protected line, inaccuracy in resistance faults and time-consuming detection of the fault area, and faulty line are among the main disadvantages of the existing methods. This article presents a new integrated fault location algorithm based on differential-impedance calculated from voltage and current phasors collected from two transmission fault terminals. First, the suspected fault line was identified using the differential of the phase angle of the positive sequence current calculated at the two terminals of each line. Then, the exact location of the fault was obtained using the impedance-differential technique. This technique was tested for different types of faults, various locations of fault and fault resistance. The important output of this article is the rapid detection of the fault area, the faulty line, and fault location using a technique based on differential impedance obtained from synchronous measurements on both sides of the line.


Main Subjects

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