This article is an introduction of a new topology of the current source inverter (CSI) which can be alternatively implemented in low/medium power applications. Such configuration consists of series connected sub-multilevel inverters blocks. The basis of the recommended multilevel topology is the connections of many cell units in a decent scheme with the help of an H-bridge inverter. The suggested inverter produces desired DC current levels with the value of the positive and negative. In the recommended configuration, the number of DC current sources, switches, and related gate drive circuits is lowered in comparison with traditional multilevel inverters. Consequently, cost and volume are decreased in the suggested topology. In order to investigate the suggested structure of the multilevel inverter, the simulation and the experimental results for a single-phase, 7-level inverter are prepared and indicated.
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Data sheet of IGBT ‘BUP 406’, Available at:
Mohajelkazemi, F. , Banaei, M. R. and Sabahi, M. (2023). Modular Multilevel Current Source Inverter Using Two-Switch Basic Units. Energy Engineering and Management, 13(1), 30-39. doi: 10.22052/jeem.2023.113600
Mohajelkazemi, F. , , Banaei, M. R. , and Sabahi, M. . "Modular Multilevel Current Source Inverter Using Two-Switch Basic Units", Energy Engineering and Management, 13, 1, 2023, 30-39. doi: 10.22052/jeem.2023.113600
Mohajelkazemi, F., Banaei, M. R., Sabahi, M. (2023). 'Modular Multilevel Current Source Inverter Using Two-Switch Basic Units', Energy Engineering and Management, 13(1), pp. 30-39. doi: 10.22052/jeem.2023.113600
F. Mohajelkazemi , M. R. Banaei and M. Sabahi, "Modular Multilevel Current Source Inverter Using Two-Switch Basic Units," Energy Engineering and Management, 13 1 (2023): 30-39, doi: 10.22052/jeem.2023.113600
Mohajelkazemi, F., Banaei, M. R., Sabahi, M. Modular Multilevel Current Source Inverter Using Two-Switch Basic Units. Energy Engineering and Management, 2023; 13(1): 30-39. doi: 10.22052/jeem.2023.113600