Extending Boundaries of the Feasible Operations of the Integrated Gas-Electric Systems Using Joint Demand Response Programs



While current integrated gas-electric models usually ignore the potentials of demand response programs (DRPs) as an effective operation tool, this paper proposes a novel joint DRP to extend the feasibility of the integrated network operation. Moreover, the presented model considers the practical constraints of compressors and pipelines to construct a more accurate representation of the integrated network compared with the previous models available in the literature. To evaluate the proposed method, a set of scenarios representing a stressed integrated network is considered to simulate the main factors which limit the complete satisfaction of load requirements. The results of the conducted experiments in the considered case study suggest that the joint DRP can extend the boundaries of the feasible regions of the integrated system up to 8%, 28%, and 62% depending on the adopted scenario types. Especially, the simulation results indicate that the proposed model with joint DRP schemes can lead to more optimal solutions than the traditional ones which neglect DRPs.


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