Optimal Design of a Microgrid with Multiple Energies Considering Reliability



The unprecedented penetration of distributed generation in distribution networks provides utilities with a unique opportunity to manage the portions of networks by microgrids (MG). The implementation of an MG may offer many benefits such as capital investment deferral, a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, an improvement in reliability, and a reduction in network losses. In order to draw the most effective performance from MG systems with multiple energies, appropriate designs and operations are essential. This paper represents a compound co-optimization strategy to find the best type and size of components as well as the associated optimum dispatch in a MG with multiple energies considering the reliability criterion. The mixed-integer nonlinear programming technique of GAMS and the genetic algorithm of MATLAB software have been utilized to solve the optimization problem. In addition, a novel time-based demand response program is modeled to prevent the energy usage at the peak. Numerical simulations have proved the effectiveness of the proposed expansion planning.


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