Numerical Analysis of Inlet and Outlet Room Air Vent Position for Reaching the Best Ventilation Condition with an Energy Approach



The process of room's air-conditioning system is used to enhance thermal comfort and to reduce energy consumption. Although most of the researches have concentrated more on flow rate and optimum temperature of inlet air, the present study software was used to obtain the best possible locations for inlet and outlet channels for 20 samples of room using Ansys Fluent. Three factors including ventilation efficiency, effective average temperature, and vertical temperature gradient were considered to find the best location for inlet and outlet port locations. As a result, model 20, where inlet channel placed in the middle of opposite wall from manikin and the outlet channel located at the bottom of the same wall, was approved. In this sample, the average temperature was 23.68; the ventilation efficiency was 2.36; and the average effective temperature was -1.01. Moreover, the analysis of rooms with area of 12 𝑚2, 16 𝑚2, and 20 𝑚2 showed that by increasing the area, the ventilation efficiency decreased by 11.86%, and by increasing the air flow from 0.045 to 0.134 m3/s, the average temperature room decreases 12.54%.


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