A Hybrid Group Decision Making Method to Analyze the Development of Third Generation Biodiesel in Iran



Increase in energy use in the world, limited fossil fuel reserves, and environmental issues lead researchers to study about renewable energy resources like biofuels. Biodiesel is a kind of biofuel that can be derived from biomasses like microalgae. These biomasses grow in the southern areas of Iran. Thus, suitable strategies should be determined to develop biodiesel production from these biomasses. In this paper, strategic factors (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat (SWOT) analyses) are determined by considering literature review and expert opinions. Based on SWOT analysis, suitable strategies (alternatives) are determined and ranked considering strategic factors (as criteria) and using a group-decision-making method in the fuzzy environment. First, criteria are weighed. To increase weighing reliability, a subjective (step-wise weight assessment ratio analysis (SWARA)) and an objective (entropy) method are integrated. Finally, strategies are ranked by a developed mixed integer linear programming (MILP) problem based on goal programming approach. Finally, determining subsidies and financial policies by the government are selected as the best strategies.


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