Wind Turbine Power Curve Modeling Using Parametric Approach



In recent years, due to the limitation of fossil fuels and the environmental impacts of using such fuels, focusing on renewable energy sources has significantly increased. In developed countries, using clean energy such as wind power has been considered as an alternative source. Monitoring the performance of wind turbines and controlling their output power quality is one of the important issues for managing wind farm. One of the influential characteristics of a wind turbine is the power curve which depicts the relationship between output power and hub height wind speed. Therefore, accurate models of power curves can play an important role in improving the performance of wind-energy-based systems. Hence, this paper has carried out the parametric techniques for power curve modeling. First, the following parametric equations are introduced to represent the power curves of wind turbines: polynomial power curve, exponential power curve, cubic power curve and approximate cubic power curve. Next, the models have been applied to a wind turbine, and, then, they were compared with manufacturer’s normal power curves by using the goodness of fit test. The results have shown that the exponential method for modeling of power curve is more desirable compared with three other models.


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