A New Index for Quantitative Assessment of ‎Distribution Network Resilience in the Presence of Distributed ‎Generations



Resilience is defined as the system ability both to keep an acceptable performance level against a severe disturbance and to return to a stable condition in a suitable time. Occurrence of inconvenient weather conditions and natural disasters, which are growing in numbers and severity during the last years, has always led to damages and wide outage throughout the distribution network. Therefore, the assessment of distribution network resilience and its return ability against severe weather condition and the reduction of the vulnerability of distribution network against those events should take priority in the planning and operation of these networks. In this paper, the resilience concept and its characteristics are determined; afterwards, by modeling natural disasters such as flood and storm, a new index for resilience assessment of distribution networks in the presence of distributed generators is introduced. The proposed model has been applied to a real network and the effects of distributed generators on the resilience of distribution networks have been studied using the new introduced index.


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