Optimal Allocation of FACTS Devices in Gilan Regional Electric Company’s Network Using PSO Algorithm in DPL Environment of DIgSILENT Software



Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) devices have shown efficient capability in alleviating the problems of power systems. The aim of FACTS devices allocation is determining the type, location, and the appropriate characteristics of these devices in order to improve the power system technical parameters. This problem is a non-linear optimization problem with many variables and constraints which requires the deployment of proper optimizing algorithms. Usually, the optimization problems are implemented in MATLAB or GAMS softwares. On the other hand, electric companies usually perform the power system studies in DIgSILENT software. Therefore, for the sake of optimization, it is required to export the power system’s data to optimizing softwares, which means a difficult and time-consuming task for the engineers. In this paper, a discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm (DPSO) is employed for the optimal allocation of FACTS devices on Gilan regional electric company’s (GilREC) network. The DPSO algorithm has been programmed in DPL (DIgSILENT Programming Language) environment of DIgSILENT software so that there will be no need for data exchange between DIgSILENT and optimizing softwares. The obtained results verify the effectiveness of the proposed methodology in power flow control and the improvement of system’s technical parameters.


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