Designing Capital Market Financial Instrument for Energy Efficiency Projects in Residential Buildings Using Thematic Analysis



One of the barriers in implementing energy efficiency projects in residential buildings is financing limitation. Financing of such projects requires more complex financial structures due to their multilateral nature, and it can be realized through capital market. In this study we introduce some financial instruments for financing of energy efficiency projects in the context of Iran capital market by thematic analysis. The statistical population of the study consists of literature about financing in energy efficiency market. After examination of literature, 41 resources were selected as samples. The reliability of the results is 0.903 according to Holsti' POA. The results show that the related contents of financing of energy efficiency can be themed in four categories: institutional structures, role of public sector, contractual structures, and financing models. Finally, the financing model of energy efficiency projects in residential buildings is extracted based on obtained thematic networks and result deduction.


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