Distributed Control of Voltage and Frequency of Multi-machine Systems with Capability of Active and Reactive Power Control Utilizing Battery Energy Storage Systems



This paper addresses the improvement of active and reactive power control in a multi-machine system using battery energy storage system, frequency control, and voltage regulation simultaneously. In the proposed method, each wind unit is equipped with an exclusive storage unit with a control system. This method for battery energy storage system includes two decoupled control loops-- one loop for active power control and the other loop for the reactivation of power control. In addition, there are two supplementary control loops for frequency control and voltage regulation in the rotor side converter of each generator. Besides, the proposed control strategy, here, optimally tunes all the parameters of controllers have been optimized simultaneously by utilizing a mixed integer nonlinear optimization programming by ICA and GA algorithm. The simulation results carried out from MATLAB software show the effectiveness not only of the proposed control scheme in utilizing battery energy storage system in the control of the active and reactive power of the wind assortment but also of the strategy in balanced and unbalanced conditions of the networks.


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