Probabilistic Allocation Of Parking Lots In Distribution Network Considering Uncertainty



In this paper, parking lots with bidirectional power flow capability have been deployed as an achievement of smart power systems. Based on operating conditions, electric vehicles can be considered as a loader generator. For optimal operation of power systems, the allocation of these novel units is, also, necessary the same as other distributed generation. In this paper, an optimization issue is proposed for the allocation of electric-vehicle parking lots. The reduction of Loss and the improvement of reliability are considered as two main components of this allocation problem cost function. Because of the uncertainty in the electric vehicle grid connection, the modeling of these probabilistic units is necessary to determine the optimal size and the location of parking lots. Therefore, in this paper, the generated power of electric vehicles is modeled by Markove Chain. Markove Chain analysis is based on passengers -trip data such as trip’s start and end time. Simulation results show that the installation of the electric-vehicle parking lots depends on many factors such as the availability of electric vehicles as well as the electricity price. Also, it is shown that by taking enough incentive for electric vehicles owners, the optimal size and the location of parking lots have considerable benefits for distribution system companies.


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