Scheduling of Electric Vehicle Charging Station for Profit Maximization of Vehicles and Station in Uncertainty



In this paper, the electric vehicle (EV) charging station scheduling process is designed to maximize the profits of EVs owners and of station operators in two steps. First, a complete model is proposed to formulate the problem of charging and discharging EVs at charging stations in one-day-ahead 24-hours. The purpose of the program is to increase the profits of EVs owners charging station operator. In this manner, the charging behaviour of EVs such as the arrival time to the station, the initial charge, the departure time from the station and the amount of requested energy are considered as inputs of the problem. In the second stage, uncertainty is considered. Monte Carlo and Genetic Algorithm have been used to model uncertainty in the problem and optimization respectively. The output of the first stage is the optimal hourly load of the station. Then, in the second stage, the optimal location of the charging station is determined by the obtained optimal load on the standard distribution networks. The result was that the loss and voltage deviation indices were minimized, and the voltage stability index was maximized.


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