A Comparative Study of Biodiesel Fuel Production From Sunflower Oil Using Ultrasound and Heat



In this research, a comparison of biodiesel produced by ultrasound and heat methods was investigated. Methanol was used as the alcohol with molarity 3, 6 and 9 and KOH 0.5, 1 and 1.5 .%wt as a catalyst. In ultrasound technique, five vibrating pulse levels and three-time levels were used. The results indicate that biodiesel produced by ultrasound in some properties includes an increase in flash point of about 9% and a decrease of viscosity, carbon residue, and water content in fuel by 27%, 50% and 5%, respectively. The biodiesel cloud point produced by the heat treatment method 2 and ultrasound waves 7 was obtained. It should be noted that the fuel produced in both methods can be used as a standard fuel in the engine. It was also found that ultrasonic waves are more appropriate than heat treatment due to its need for less time and better quality characteristics.


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