Effect of Smart Homes in Management and Reduction of Electrical Energy Consumption



Today, smart grids are one of the important topics in the field of electrical engineering. In this paper, after identifying the communication layers among the components of a smart home in the introduction, some of the most important ruling communication protocols will be briefly discussed over the smart homes. Then, through applying the household electrical load management program in smart homes, the effectiveness of this method will be showed in reforming power consumption, especially during peak hours. To clarify this issue, we study a house with a certain number of electrical appliances in three different modes, and the black-out effect of the load has also been considered in one of these three modes. Therefore, the results will be discussed using the accurate modeling of the problem regarding household electrical load management and performing simulations via GAMS software, and, consequently, the effects of considering different electricity tariffs on the results of the proposed method will be also analyzed.


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