The Fault Diagnosis of Open-Circuit of Back-to-Back Converters in DFIG Wind Turbines of Variable Speed Using Combiniation Signal-Based and Model-Based Methodes



Condition monitoring (CM) and Fault Detection (FD) of wind turbine lead to an increase in the reliability and availability of turbines. IGBT open-circuit of wind turbine converters will bring about depletion in the output current of converters and, thus, reduction in the production of wind turbine power. In this research, the fault of open-circuit in back-to-back IGBT converter of wind turbines is first detected and, then, located. The proposed method is low cost and does not use extra sensors for fault detection and location. Fault detection is based on the model-based strategy; in order to generate the residual, an observer  is deployed which is based on Kalman model of the extraction of grid side and rotor side DFIG three-phase currents state matrix;  then the evaluation of residual is conducted. . Fault location is determined through signal-based strategy and the extraction of mean feature based on time signal. To evaluate the suggested structure, a 2.5MW wind turbine simulator is used according to real data. Simulations have shown that the proposed method, diagnostics the synchronous and multiple faults in one LEG or different LEGs of grid side and rotor side.


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