Development of a Modified Energy Saving Glass for Energy Management of Air Conditioning System and Transmission Improvement of In-Service Frequency Bands



This paper proposes a modified energy saving glass (MESG) for energy management of air conditioning system and transmission improvement of in-service and applicable frequency bands. For a typical float glass, the transmission of IR signals is about 98.2% which diminishes to 43% by the deployment of an ESG. Although the utilization of ESGs yields energy consumption reduction, it simultaneously demonstrates destructive attenuating effects on 0.8-6.0 GHz frequency band, including mobile communication, GSM, and GPS frequency bands. The presented MESG is a typical ESG in which elliptical rings are etched on the metallic oxide layer which improves the transmission of 0.8-6.0 GHz frequency band by 20.22 dB. By the proposed MESG structure, transmission rate of the 0.8-6.0 GHz frequency bands increases from 68.78% for a typical ESG to about 87.75%, showing an enhancement of 18.97%. It is worth noting that transmission of IR frequency band increases from 43% to 45.49% through the utilization of MESG which ends in 2.5% increment which is negligible compared to the great transmission enhancement in 0.8-6.0 GHz. The proposed MESG structure and the obtained improvements in energy saving and signal transfer issues are discussed in details throughout the paper.


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