A Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm to Power Control in Wireless Body Areanet Work



Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is one of the most significant applications of wireless networks in medical science. The energy consumption of embedded sensors inside oron the human body should be very low not to pose any threats to the patient’s health. As an important challenge, the interference among different transmitters and receivers result in considerable growth in the energy consumption of the sensor nodes. In this paper, the fuzzy-genetic based power control method is utilized to align transmission power of sensor nodes within a WBAN. This technique exploits the concepts of genetic algorithms to set up membership functions of fuzzy controller and its knowledge base so that the entire network energy consumption, through controlling the level of transmission power of each sensor, is reduced by mitigating the impact of interference in neighborhood nodes. Compared with Greedy power Control Algorithm, the proposed genetic-fuzzy power control approach is shown to be able to reduce power consumption by at least 34 percent.


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