Recos Participation in Congestion Management Based on Supervised DR



Demand Response (DR) program is one of the measures, which are implemented both by Retail Electricity Companies (Recos) and market's operators. This paper aims to provide a novel framework for optimal congestion management via encouraging collaboration between the independent system operators (ISO) and Retail electricity companies (Recos) in implementing demand response (DR) programs based on the market mechanism. The merit of the paper is to increase the market efficiency. Economic signals, specified by the ISO, are used for assisting Recos in evaluation of any benefits from the implementing of DR in various network bases. A Stackelberg game is adopted for designing a DR trade between Recos and demand response aggregators to help Recos identify their optimal demands in the market which are, then, used by the ISO to analyze grid congestion and consequently in order to re-specify the new economic signals. The game is repeated until the Nash equilibrium point, the optimal congestion reduction and the optimal Recos' demands, are obtained. The performance of the proposed framework is assessed using a test power system. The paper demonstrates an effective performance for the proposed framework.


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