Investigating the Optimal Investment Strategies in Power Generation Sector Affected by Green Policies Considering the Wake Effect



The green energy policies have been implemented in different countries all over the world for emission reduction and promotion of renewable energy sources (RES). This paper investigates the effects of the most popular energy policies on RES diffusion, in particular wind turbines, environmental damages cost derived from power generation sector, and generation company profit in the context of generation expansion planning (GEP) problem. To achieve this aim, a comprehensive model with additional constraints to simulate the policies is presented through the incorporation of Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) and Quota Obligation (with tradable green certificate) policies into the GEP problem. While it is tried to improve the accuracy of the model and achieve more realistic simulation framework, the wake effect of the candidate wind farms has been considered as well. The results obtained from scenarios implemented in the GAMS package show the effectiveness of these policies on RES promotion as well as emission reduction as long as their financial burden can bring about generators’ welfare reduction. Furthermore, analyses reveal that the consideration of wake effect of wind turbines in expansion planning problems can result in more realistic and optimal expansion strategies through better budget allocations to such units.


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