Developing a Framework for Prioritizing the Risks Involved in Oil and Gas Desalination Plant Using Combined Techniques of FuzzyAHP and SWOT Model(Case Study: Naftshahr Desalination Plant)



Risk management is the process of systematically classifying, identifying, assessing, and responding to risks throughout the life cycle of a project in order to gain maximum utility of elimination, prevention, or risk control. There are various types of risks in oil projects which will damage precious national resources if checks and necessary planning are lacking. Regarding the importance of these projects and the critical impact of oil on different aspects of our lives, an extensive research is required not only to improve the reliability of planning in this field but also to identify and to rank the risks involved in this area. In this regard, several techniques have been introduced. In this paper, a framework for prioritizing the risks involved in oil and gas desalination plant has been investigated. Identified risks are classified in three areas: cost, safety, and the time of construction. In the proposed framework, tools such as SWOT and FAHP have been used. Finally, by using a framework and actual data related to Naftshahr Desalination Plant, the proposed approach has been used for prioritizing the identified 59 risk.


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