Economic Evaluation of the Installed PV Arrays in a Certain Area of Solar Fields by the Deployment of the Fixed Reconfiguration Method



Determining row spacing between PV arrays is one of the important issues in designing PV Plants; Increasing this space results in an increase in the cost of ground, as well as the PV plant output power per area and its decreasing leads into a mutual shading and the reduction of PV plant output power. That is while the tendency towards more output power production in limited areas such as roof buildings necessitates a reconsideration of the space among these PV arrays. In this paper, a new fixed reconfiguration method has been used to increase PV arrays installed capacity in certain areas of solar fields, and the row space has been determined accordingly. For this purpose, the mutual shadow models are determined, and the new fixed reconfiguration method is presented for reducing the effects of these shadows. Then, the levelized cost of electricity is described as a criterion for determining the optimal row spacing.


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