Surge Arrester's Location the Wind Plant Using Genetic Algorithms



Due to the ever-increasing use of Distributed Generations (DGs), and special attentions toward wind power plants in recent years, this research investigates the wind plants from the viewpoint of lightning protection. In comparison to all other type of generators connected to the electric power systems, wind turbine generators are placed in areas which are more likely to be stricken by lightning. Lightning damages are divided into two major categories: direct and indirect damages. This paper studies the strategies to reduce the indirect damages o the wind turbine. Modeling of wind turbine components, i.e., blades, towers and connected cables, are frequency-dependent. Lightening arresters are used to reduce over-voltages caused by lightning currents in wind farms. Lightning arrester placement in wind farm is performed based on the objective function composed of insulation risk constraint and lightning failure and weighting coefficients are considered for the stress-exposed insulation devices. Optimization process is performed using Genetic Algorithm (GA), and finally the simulation results are analyzed.


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