Effects of Subcooling the Condensor Outlet Refrigerant on the Integrated Refrigeration by the NH3-H2O Absorption Chiller



This paper investigates the effects of subcooling the condenser outlet refrigerant in a compression refrigeration by an absorption refrigeration in an integrated refrigeration system from energy view point. For this purpose the thermodynamic system is analyzed, base on the mass and energy equation and also the effects of operating parameters such as prime mover, ambient temperature and evaporator temperature on the work of compressor and performance of the integrated refrigeration system are considered. LiB-H2O and NH3-H2O are used as fluid pair in an absorption section. Result indicates that integrated refrigeration system with H2O-NH3 having a better EUF than LiBr-H2O integrated refrigeration system. The results show that increasing the ambient temperature and decreasing the evaporator temperature enhance the improvement of EUF and also the use of SOFC as a prime mover has significant advantages.
